Your Ultimate Plant Guide


Useful tools

10 Need-To-Know Lazy Gardening Shortcuts

Garden smarter, not harder! Here are 10 ways to make your gardening life easier.

15 ways to save water in the garden

Learn all the ways you can help save water in the garden.

30 soil facts

30 things to know about soil

4 steps to creating a Spring vegie patch

Learn how easy it is to start a vegie patch from scratch.

5 Tips on Soil Improvement

Not all soils are created equal. Learn what you need to do to improve your garden soil.

7 steps to start up a Community Garden

A planning checklist to bring a local community garden to life.

Project guides & articles


The Yates History of Tough Times

Kiwi gardeners are continuing to embrace vegie gardening, to take control of high living costs. It's inspired us to have a look through our archives, to see how our great-grandparents did it, with tips from Great-Great-Grandma on how to start up your own 1930s garden!

Spring Insect Control

Every year, the spring frenzy of fresh new leaf growth and flowers encourages a population explosion of sucking and chewing insect pests. Here's how to stop the little blighters from feasting on your garden.

Winter gardening

Here's how you can help protect your garden from chills and frost this winter.

Tiny Garden Inspiration

Even the smallest empty spaces have room for a garden. And the smaller the garden, the easier it is to bring your vision to life! Here are our tips for creating a gorgeous or productive happy place, in miniature.