We’re keen on exposing our little one to lots of different tastes and textures, which has meant a bit of thinking at dinner time as to what we can do which doesn’t have salt in it or what we can add salt to later... this is the face we get any time we give him something straight from the fridge - he actually really likes tomato!
This Green Millet Risotto is an adaption of ‘The Two Raw Sisters’ one - they have some awesome plant based recipes!
Start by frying an onion with a little oil in a pan and putting the millet to cook in a pot.
Gather about 400-500g of greens - it looks like a massive bunch! But goes down to not much - I usually end up with a mix of spinach, kale and silver beet - depending on what you use will depend on how dark or bright the end result is. Cut up roughly.
Once the onion is soft, add the greens, some lemon zest and about 1TBS ginger (I have fresh ginger frozen and grate it). If you’re adding salt and pepper add it now.
Once it’s all wilted down, put it in a bowl/food processor and whizz up with ½ cup water and lemon juice. If you’re wanting it salt-less, you’re done! Take it out and mix it through the millet.
If you’re adding salt, you can also add miso paste - it adds a depth of flavour - mix this through, then again you’re done and can mix it into the millet.
It’s super yum and versatile - especially when you’re using your own greens, it costs next to nothing to make.
We had it with Salmon to be flash, but goes equally well with any protein or as a roastie salad or leafy salad base.
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