After much deliberation the winners of Mini Challenge Two - Planning for Success are in. You certainly didn’t make it easy for the team to decide.
But without further ado the winners are:
Gardening with the Dillons
Congratulations to our winners.
I hope you all enjoyed the process of planning your gardens. It can be a little time consuming and sometimes a tad confusing but it is well worth it in the end.
There will be more chances to win coming up which is something to look forward to – the next Mini Challenge will start on the 18th October, which isn’t too far away and in the meantime continue posting updates of your gardens because – for purely selfish reasons, it motivates and inspires me to get stuck into my garden and get things done, but also each post gives you the chance to be randomly selected for the weekly free pack of seeds.
I hope you have a productive and enjoyable rest of the week in your gardens – weather permitting.
Happy gardening and as always – if you want to get in touch leave a comment below.
Sarah the Gardener : o)
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