Started a new job this week, and well it consumed me, but I did make sure I visited the glasshouse and garden!
I'm loving the glass house. It's getting so warm in there. Gets up to about 30 degrees currently, and increasing daily.
The cucumbers are definitely LOVING their spot and have bolted, with aspirations of hitting the roof I'm sure!. They look healthy too.What I do love compared to the other green house is the airflow is a little better and they're in a raised garden so roots aren't restricted and there's no mildew from humidity, which tended to happen in the other greenhouse.
Now wondering about pollination - whether I need to help it along or whether I'll get the pollinators in more with leaving doors open. I'll have the paint brush on hand just in case.
We are getting bumble bees in but so far they're getting confused by the glass and just bumping around!
The 'fail' in the outside gardens so far are the Zuchinni. They're just not happy at all. Small and stumpy. I'm sure they'll bolt and I'll have marrows in no time but for now, they're the Veggie that has me scratching my head in the garden. Anyone else having trouble with them? I wonder if I was just too early? Been out 3 weeks... I might put some in pots and try that too.
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