Friday Top Tips – Enjoy all you have achieved

Gardener:Sarah the Gardener from Yates

Date:28 Oct 2021

Blog Type:Vegetables

The early part of spring can be quite hectic in the garden, preparing the ground and getting it weed free and ready.  And in the greenhouse or on the kitchen table, tending to the needs of tiny seedlings and demand daily attention like small children. 

But now as the garden is or will be planted out, there is a lull in the urgent demands from the garden.  The sky is mostly watering the garden still, although keep an eye out in case it stops abruptly without you noticing.  The weeds are small, although in the increasingly warmer weather can grow fast so make a point of whipping them out at the very least once a week.   And the plants are doing their thing and just growing.  A few of the spring things will be giving you something to eat, but for most there is still a way to go before you can enjoy the fruits of your labour. 

This is a good time to stop and catch your breath.  Look around and notice how far you have come.  Go back and look at your first few blog posts and remind yourself where you started!  Sit in the garden often (when the sun is shining) and just appreciate your garden for the beautiful space that it is. 

It is also a good time to have a mid-season tidy up.  Wash any pots you have used and stack them away ready for next season.  Tidy any areas you have been meaning to get to in the busyness of it all.  Tackle larger projects that you’ve always wanted to do.

Or prepare for the harvest by investigating ways to use the harvest in the kitchen.  Pull out your recipe book collection or scour the internet for ideas and make sure you have what you need in your pantry for when the time comes.  Make sure you have enough jars for all jams, sauces, and pickles you want to make. 

This time of year, is a good time to regroup, collect your thoughts and prepare for the next busy stage of the growing season. 


In my garden I am using Yates Blood and Bone.  All the beds have been enriched months ago, but I read somewhere that it deters possums and I have one that has been visiting my garden.  Although judging by the fur outside the greenhouse this morning I suspect the possum met Fennel the Cat in the night.  Hopefully that was enough to deter it.  She’s sweet but fierce.


And just to let you know the Team will begin looking into the Grow to Give Mini Challenge entries this weekend and the winners will be announced during next week.  Good luck to all of those who entered this mini challenge.

I hope you find this helpful.

Happy gardening and as always – if you want to get in touch leave a comment below.

Sarah the Gardener  : o)


Friday Top Tips – Enjoy all you have achieved