Time flies by… there are only three weeks left until the end of the challenge on Friday the 10th December. But while it is the end of the challenge it isn’t the end of the community, and we are open for garden updates throughout the year. I love that we can still do this, as in the past we became so familiar with the community and the gardens, and I was always left wondering what happened and how the harvest went. We did have a hiccup last year – as the website was new, we didn’t realise we needed to flip a switch to make posting accessible for the new year, but we are on to it this year and will have it organised so you can seamlessly continue to post updates. Although if there is a blip – you may need to wait until the team get back from a well-deserved holiday break.
Now ordinarily I like to offer some gardening tips on a Friday but this time I want to flip the tables and ask you to share your top tips in the comments below so we can all learn from our collective wisdom. Also, if there is something you want to learn about or have a burning question, ask below too.
And I also want to leave you with a recipe… it is one of my seasonal favourites and I try to make it at least once when asparagus is in season. It is a Martha Stewart recipe and I have to say – she has an extensive recipe collection for vegetables. I typed in broccoli the other day and found she had 329 recipes for broccoli, and I want to make them all!
But this one is a Japanese inspired called Beef and Asparagus Negimaki.
Cook the asparagus – I like to steam it and set aside to cool. Then dissolve 1/4 cup of sugar in 1/2 cup of soy sauce. Cut spring onions lengthwise into fine strips.
Cut some beef schnitzel into wide strips and dip into the soy sauce mix. Don’t soak too long or the soy flavour will be too strong. Lay some of the spring onion and asparagus across the strip and roll up. Then BBQ, fry, or grill until medium rare – it only takes a couple of minutes and then enjoy. So very good!
Happy gardening and as always – if you want to get in touch leave a comment below.
Sarah the Gardener : o)
NB: the photo is my first baby Giant Pumpkin. I hope it takes.
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