I’ve been weeding the garden a bit, but it’s starting to get to the point when it’s only weed-free for about a day. It seems that the weeds are growing faster than vegies. I expect a full blowen vegie forest in a few weeks, and don’t think the garden wil look as tidy as it does now until its winter haha I’ve finally got rid of coriander around my carrot plot completely (sorry coriander lovers, but it’s everywhere, I swear). And found that carrots came up very patchy. Hopefully its not too late to sow another couple of rows!
As I’ve been weeding, I’ve spotted something unusual with my brassicas. Some, particularly smaller cauliflowers are getting funny coloured leaves (photo attached below). Could this be a nutrient deficiency? I’ve searched through the internet and couldn’t find anything suggesting it’s a bacterial disease. For now I’ve added some compost around affected plants and been watering them with seaweed fertiliser. I recall from a horticulture lesson many years back that red-ish leaves are associated with phosphorus deficiency? Hope this does not affect the final crop!
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