Kissing The Ground & Meet The Neighbors Nomination

Gardener:McLittin's Garden

Date:06 Sep 2021

Blog Type:Mini Challenge - Meet the Neighbours


Haven and I have just finished watching Kiss The Ground on Netflix and it really was a  eye opener.  It really reinforces what I already believe which is to work with nature and that the life in the soil is just as important as the life above it. Such a great doco that we just had to kiss the ground. 

I always struggle when it comes to nominating a gardener because it is so hard. Every year I am inspired and learn so much from everyone.  This truly is a kind place with Helen the flower lady offering us seeds when we were short. Thanks to Stacey we have seed raising mix with a recommendation that Farmlands sell it as essential.  Every gardener here is worthy of mention and nomination however the rules are to nominate one so this year I nominate Jen. 

Jen's blogs this year have introduced me to things I had not heard of before and I'm learning something new every day. Also she kindly offered to send out some Jerusalem Fartichokes for us to try. I'm expecting they will blow us away when we receive them!

Thank you all fellow bloggers and keep up the awesome work. I love reading all your blogs.

Kissing The Ground & Meet The Neighbors Nomination