Love a bit of DIY


Date:28 Sep 2021

Blog Type:Vegetables

I've always loved doing a bit of DIY to get things done in the garden. I've done a few temporary botch jobs that have done the trick when required, a bit of good old fashion kiwi ingenuity is required some time. No number 8 wire required for this job but a few staples and beagle screws and job done. I'm stocked with how it's turned out, fingers crossed the rabbits and rats don't think it's a free buffet meal. I've placed out my purple king beans to grow up it. This will only be temporary as I'm hoping to put a permanent solution in where I'm digging the stones out or in my market garden area. Still contemplating on that one. Before work I managed to sit down and start working on a bedding plan for my family vegetable area where the tunnel house is, and have wondered why I didn't do it sooner!!! I'm surprised at how much I can actually fit instead of guesstimating!! I'm wondering how a couple of rows of carrots or a root veg would go planted in front of my row of tomatoes? Thoughts on that would be greatly appreciate, as I'd hate to have more area going to waste and have to weed it. I'm glad they set this challenge as it's made me think very different and possibly more efficiently about what and where to plant and no doubt the productivity will definitely be on the up on how much produce it will provide. I'm having trouble figuring out what I could fit into all the gaps I've found doing it on paper!

Love a bit of DIY