I was so lucky to spend an hour walking talking and enjoying some locals beautiful garden , and perfect lawns , I was given 2 bucket loads of jonquil bulbs and a couple of wee cuttings , they are going to have a meander though my garden in the near future .
because kindness should breed kindness it seemed right to drop some lettuce to the sharing shed , and pluck out some herbs for the friend who started her gardening journey last year , so easy to do and some wet newspaper wrapped around them will keep them good till planting , she chose some lemon balm and is thinking about where some others can go .
I spent more time in the green house which is nearly at capacity .
A trip to Bunnings for potting mixed , I grabbed a couple of tom and cucumber seedlings , toms are diff to the ones I have and I'm simply being impatient for my cucumbers to germinate .
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