Mini challenge one nominee Jen


Date:15 Sep 2021

Blog Type:Mini Challenge - Meet the Neighbours

It is a bit of a challenge to just pick one as there are some great blogs to be read, fun, entertaining and a snippet into your gardening lifestyle. I'm not the greatest at responding to comments or posting as many comments as I'd like but I am enjoying the learning lessons, what people are planting and how they're doing it. 
I'm going to have to nominate Jen as she has opened my eyes up to a different way of gardening (permaculture, biochar, biodiversity, just to name a couple) and is putting it to practice and sharing the information for all of us to try. I'm looking forward to trying to make some biochar! Thanks Jen for sharing the info.

(Pictured: My cute as ratbag Buddy is very photogenic, teenager has taught him well I think lol)

Mini challenge one nominee Jen