Sooo busy

Gardener:The flower lady

Date:05 Nov 2021

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

Its all go around here and I nearly forgot why I love gardening so much so I took a pause from the farmers market this week and spent a great day planting weeding and maintaing our raised beds , we have super happy chooks munching their way though 3 loads of greens .

My weeds are not waste approach is a goodie with weeds spent brassicas going to either the animals or the compost we have a good amount of manure and green layers , plus the old hay is a great carbon layer keeping it all good , by the beginning of December we would have gone though all the compost made from the previous year and the plants will be thriving . 

I have also tackled the earlier mentioned front area where our wee bumbles like to nest although lots of baby bumble bees I am yet to find the nest , but I did plant a lot of lambs ear and mini agapanthus to help control this area a bit more , espesially as its the first thing you see when driving in .

It the orchard and other areas of fruit trees the fruit set is amazing and we will have fruit coming out our ears in no time , I am lucky enough to take the food waste from satisfy food for our animals and they will for sure be getting fruit goodies when they are ready .

The flower field has something new nearly every day and its so exciting , so much weeding to do but its all coming together amazingly .


Sooo busy