This weekend was a 'potter' type of garden weekend. I'm out of pots and space in the greenhouse as I patiently wait for Labour weekend, which I'm thankful I'm sitting tight for if the weather warning for later in the week comes true!
I did do some hardening off and giving all my plants some outdoor time as Wellington was pretty kind all weekend with the weather.
Repotted some Tomatoes, and sprinkled some spring/summer seeds about. Planted out Chilli's that had been overwintered outside in pots - and they look fine - which is crazy and wonderful.
Filled pots with Veggie/Tomato/compost mix ready for some Tomatoes hopefully heading to their Summer home.
We also laid out the windows for the new/upcycled glasshouse and found ourselves a door for it - Yay! I've told hubby he's got 4 weeks to deliver and built glasshouse - that will keep him busy. Also decided on painting it a vibrant blue for outside and a duck egg type of blue/grey inside.
And to top off a beautiful, productive weekend, I picked some spring bulbs - freesias and ixia.... I don't even know how I acquired Ixia but she's beautiful and spread all along our lower bank had to pick her to admire her in the home. I had to share as every time I pass by this vase, I just smile and love that they're from our beautiful suburban garden!
How was your weekend in the garden? What did you achieve?
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