It's been all go around the farm let and work is full speed again. I've been busy working out the tunnel house removing the last of the winter crops, adding compost and turning it in to prep the beds for the heirloom tomatoes to go. So far I have planted, strung up, feed and added water crystals to 17 tomato plants and there are still about 20 more to go which most will end up outside. Think I may have pinched out the main stem on one thinking it was a lateral shoot (oops). I've noticed that the mycorrcin has worked it's magic microbiology on the corn. Yesss!! The ones I added mycorrcin to during its first growing days are at the back of the bed and are nearly twice the size of the ones I didn't add it to which I placed towards the front of the bed. I'm hoping that it doesn't stop there and has a good affect on the corn too. I'm super excited about it, is that weird or a gardener thing lol. I've also invested a lot more into the infrastructure for my soon to be business with some decent crop coverage. Cloche hoops and some biomaglia insect netting. Not only will it protect my crops from insects but also birds, dogs, cats, but most importantly those pesky cherry blossom seeds that seem to pop up everywhere (even in the tunnel house thanks to my compost). I'm super excited (like probably a little too much) about how much better my garden is doing and I'm proud at how much work and effort I have put in to get it where it is given all the curve balls and road blocks that come into play. Not this time, this is my time to shine. I don't do defeat, well... this year I'm not!
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