The calm before the storm

Gardener:Sarah the Gardener from Yates

Date:10 Oct 2021

Blog Type:Vegetables

I mean this as not expecting the weather to become turbulent but referring to the lull in the season before all the activity occurs. 

This week is a great week to just catch up on the niggly things in the garden and preparing for the fun things to come like planting out the garden.  I was tempted to go early as we are frost free here, but this week’s weather forecast is suggesting the temperatures will drop dramatically so I will gladly wait before planting things out. 

I will be getting ready and setting up my structures as it is always better to do this before planting so plants aren’t damaged.  It may mean yet another click and collect for extra supplies, but I seem to only be able to think of one project at a time. 

I’ve also sorted through all my spares – the seedlings I sowed with a heavy hand but don’t actually need.  To be fair I was having a Garden Club come and visit my garden and it is always nice to have extra seedlings to offer the visitors.  But the visit was cancelled and now I have too many plants on my hands. 

I am thinking of doing some kind of click and collect to give them away to the neighbours.   Ordinarily I transplant the ones I don’t need into paper cups, which you can write all the details on, but given the circumstances I haven’t been able to get any at the right time this year.  Newspaper would have been my next go to, to wrap up the spare seedlings, but we haven’t even been getting junk mail.   So, I clicked and collected a load of poly bags to transfer the seedlings into.  Not ideal but at least I can continue to reuse my pots.

If you weren’t aware, next week is Yates National Gardening Week and this year they are encouraging the collective efforts of keen gardeners to help provide food for people in need.  It is such a worthy cause, but I would encourage you to go and check it out and if you register you can get a free packet of seeds!  Pop over >HERE< to find out more.  

Happy gardening and as always – if you want to get in touch leave a comment below.

Sarah the Gardener  : o)


Photo:  I'm loving the bright flowers around my wildlife pond.

The calm before the storm