The Mini Challenge winners are….

Gardener:Sarah the Gardener from Yates

Date:29 Nov 2021

Blog Type:Recipes

I do love this mini challenge as I have loads of great recipes to try and I was quite pleased they were zucchini heavy this year as mine seem to be doing much better than that did last year, and I suspect the glut is imminent – although right now zucchini are a harvest to be excited at.  

Now I have heard back from the team and can announce with great excitement the winners of the last Mini Challenge for 2021.   Please join me in congratulating:

·        ruGrew

·        Ev in the South

·        Birdhouse bend

The next round of prizes are the big ones at the end of it all.  Just to remind you of what is up for grabs we have:

·        3 MAJOR WINNERS will win $1000 Give a Garden Gift Card and $300 worth of Yates products

Runner Up Prizes:

·        Best Starting Out Gardener - $300 worth of Yates products

·        Best Vegie Growing Challenge Supporter, in honour of Carol Oates - $300 worth of Yates

·        Best Wild Card Winner- $300 worth of Yates products

These are exciting prizes although I don’t imagine it is going to be easy to pick the winners.  I appreciate how much effort everyone has put in, as I have been in your position, giving it my all and hoping it was enough.  Back in the day we had to get people to vote for us which added another interesting element, but I have to say I’m pleased that aspect has gone so now we can just concentrate on enjoying our gardens and telling the story of what goes on in it. 

I look forward to your continued posts and you can still add recipes if you want to, there is a tick box for it, and it will certainly inspire me! 

Congratulations once again to our winners and best of luck in the final round.

Happy gardening and as always – if you want to get in touch leave a comment below.


Sarah the Gardener  : o)

The Mini Challenge winners are….