With Labour weekend so close I'd hit pause in the sowing any more seed, and also hadn't re-potted.
Some Veggies are okay with not being re-potted, but my Zucchini as you can see are looking a bit under-nourished, as they've outgrown their little pot, and they also have first flowers, so they're obviously needing more space to grow! These babies are being planted outside this weekend rain or shine....but of course the sun is going to shine all weekend, right!!
Ideally want to be planting out over Labour Weekend while hubby assembles the new/upcycled glasshouse with my Dad!
Corn definitely needs to be re-potted, as it's too soon to plant out here in Wellington so far, and the roots are well out the bottom of pots now - they grow like weeds in a Greenhouse!
Tomatoes....waiting on that glasshouse. I've potted up some that can go outside eventually in their pots, but for now they're happy... just not a lot of room to move in the greenhouse
AND...I have sooooo many spring/summer flowers to plant out. I started Cosmos and Zinnia in the greenhouse and they're well and truly ready to go into the gardens this weekend...Yay... Bring on Spring/Summer colour!
I think on Friday I'll give everything a good soak of seaweed tonic to kick off a busy long weekend!
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