
Date:14 Nov 2021

Blog Type:Vegetables

Today was the day for the tomatoes to go in. The plants are probably a bit small, but I was sick of dragging them in and out of the woodshed to avoid the sun. 

Soil temperature checks over the last few days, say we have hit the magic 22+ degrees.

Also planted out the first lot of corn seedlings, planting them carefully into the bee filled flowering collard .

Two more bean frames planted out - shackamaxon and Bobs runner (thanks heather) Three more lots of bean seeds planted into plugs - speckled egg, painted lady & berlotti bush. I just love the names, but think I'm going to be swimming in beans!

The little naming stones are working really well, all sitting along the garden edges. No sitting back here - the garden is exploding, and its been so hot all week - definately need to be on top of the watering every day.