Up, up and away!


Date:04 Nov 2021

Blog Type:Vegetables

When we made our new garden bed, unfortunately a tree had to go, which I hated with every ounce of me doing, but it did shade a part of the other vege garden too.

As hubby was in his happy place with being allowed to get his chain saw out, I ran out and stopped him from cutting any more of the trunk down. At that moment it dawned on me I could use the trunk to grow something up! And it adds a little bit of character to the garden too.

So this morning I planted out my Kamo Kamo, and one plant I decided to train up the truck. Well, at least I think that's what it is, as the labels went walkies.

This is my first time growing them, I don't think I've even tasted them! So that's exciting.

Has anybody got any tips? I have read, if picked young you use them like zucchini, or bigger like a pumpkin. Which do you prefer?

Up, up and away!