Who would have thought that 10 year old tomato seed could ever be viable and that it would produce plants??
But it was.
I saw a post on Facebook from St Kilda Seed Library about some old seed they had been sent from Nelson seed library and the idea was we would seed if it grow and new seed collected.
We ended up with 2 varieties and 3 plants. Earl of Edgecombe and Box Car Willy.
The two Earls are outside growing and Willy is in the glasshouse. Initially Willy didn't look too happy, but I worked out it was too hot and sunburn. Thankfully an old lace curtain saved the day. Willy now has flowers.
My heirloom tomato project has taken on a life of its own and I now have 32 varieties. It's a huge challenge but a lot of fun too.
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