Happy 2023

Gardener:Northland Backyard Gardener

Date:01 Jan 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables

After a week or so of beautiful weather, I will admit I am somewhat relieved for the light shower that is currently gracing our section. It will also give a chance for the granular feed applied this morning to be watered in properly.  With some rain schelduled, it seemed like the more logical choice for feeding the garden while we are away over the next few weeks. We have also applied sheep pellets. This is especially crucial for our buckets and grow bags I'd we want them to do well on their own. The buckets also have bases to ensure they don't dry out.

The last few days has been spent prepping the garden ready (staking further, trimming excess leaves off tomatoes, spraying copper to keep the mildew at bay,  and weeding). We've also been enjoying an abundance of crops for dinner, and have started the preserving journey.

I've also started getting the next lot of seeds ready. Dwarf beans have been sown directly into the garden, and I thought I would try for another lot of climbing beans. I  wouldn't normally try this late in the season but everything has been out of synch so figured i had nothing to lose. I've also sown a few apple cucumbers and zucchini in pots ready tobtransplant out when we get back.. Once this rain let's up, I will go and sort some more corn. We are lucky up here in the north and have successfulky squeezed a second sowing in for the last few years.. After debating what to do with the new seedlings, I have decided to pop them outside with a base on the bottom. At this stage of the year I would normally directly sow so they should be fine. By leaving them there they should get watered by hubby (in theory) with the rest of the garden while I am away. The bases are shallow enough that they won't drown either.

This morning was spent making our first batch of jam, and doing up more beetroot to take away with us. Another half dozen potato plants were dug up to take away with us. I am pretty happy with the approx 10kg dug up so far, with the late crops still to harvest, and a few more early crops scattered here and there.

All the best for this year. May all your dreams come true


Happy 2023