Last years weeds, this years compost

Gardener:The flower lady

Date:04 Oct 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

I made some progress on my potager , I decided awhile ago that we have to much stuff just sitting around not being useful or productive so that's where the idea came in , plus the chickens want be able to do as much damage , hopefully . So I began moving old things around and plants that need more care to one spot and started filling them with our home made compost . 

In an old wheelbarrow I popped the purple asparagus, along with some teddy bear sunflowers .

the next 2 pots 1 has penny royal the other chives and both have sunflowers and lettuce .

The next 3 have aqualegia sunflowers , lettuce and Livingstone daisies, 1 has some yams to . 

I popped the potted up yukkas and 2 potted quince trees , I figure this might be a good way to fit things around for sale when I finally get brave enough for tours .

Paper wasps had begun making a nest inside my green house , I was not pleased to say the least and I'm not all about killing stuff but that was not a simpatico relationship at all .

Last years weeds, this years compost