Well the wind has been a bit annoying over weekend. While it has done no damage to anything, it has prevented us putting the new Gazebo roof on. The leaves are also impossible to rake/vacuum up.
I did do some weeding and the grass/palm garden is now ready for a layer of dark wood chips, along with the front rose garden, so this is a job for next weekend.
I cut down all the braid beans and mulched the tomato beds. Neighbours got a countdown brown bag half full from them. They were not home so left on the door handle. Hope they like them.
Having a look at my grafted bloody butcher and reading up on it. There was a choice of 1 of this variety so had to take it. It looks nice and healthy, but has split to 2 leaders. I am going to leave it as such and see how it goes. This evenings reading will be about grafting, how why and what are the advantages or disadvantages.
Hope everyone has a great week ahead!
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