SH and I are very excited because we are heading up to New Plymouth tomorrow to meet our 5 day old grandson for the first time. We have four other grandchildren but the novelty of a new one never wears off and we are so looking forward to newborn cuddles and snuggles.
Speaking of newborns, I couldn't resist this photo of our baby nashi pears peeking between the leaves on our 1 year old Nashi espaliered tree (can you see them? They look like little eyeballs). This was a bit of a gamble for me - I love nashi but had no idea if they could be espaliered. We planted it last year and got 3 or 4 delicious pears off it, hoping for more this season.
At this time of year there are so many things just developing and appearing in our gardens, it's so exciting to welcome newborns!
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