Saturday in the garden


Date:07 Oct 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

It drizzled a little bit this morning, then turned out to be a beautiful day with lots accomplished in the garden.

I direct sowed some baby carrots, purple carrots, radishes, beetroot and parsnips. I've struggled to get parsnips to germinate in the past, so two rows got sown with a heavy hand. The forecast says its meant rain off and on in the next few days, so I was glad to get those in to help me with the watering.

I then pricked out some spinach and sunflower seedlings to give them more room to grow, got some more seeds sown in pots - peas, rainbow silverbeet and lots of herbs (basil, chives, curled and Italian parsley and thyme), inspired by one of Helens blogs about herbs.  I really don't give herbs enough love in my garden or in my cooking, and I should as they add so much flavour to meals.

Lastly I pulled out some beetroot in my tunnel house and made a yummy beetroot, feta and spinach salad to go with dinner. 

Feels so good to tick off so many things today. 


Saturday in the garden