A Bit of a Breeze Needed

Gardener:Northland Backyard Gardener

Date:30 Nov 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

Today has been one of those days where I will actually admit, I didn't go near the garden. Not even to meander through. It's not that I didn't want to. It was just that by the time I stopped, it was already dark. I was a bit gutted too as my hibiscus was out and I had planned on sharing a photo (so instead I am sharing our prolific fruit). It wasn't a complete loss though did however water my indoor plants, and those in the porch. Tomorrow morning is going to be an early start as I need to get the watering done before work as there won't be time later.

We are actually off to Auckland for the weekend. My eldest is sailing in the Peter Blake Regatta in Torbay, and my youngest and myself are going to (hopefully) be watching the racing from onboard Steinlager 2.  So tonight has been packing, and ensuring cleaning and washing is up to date so that I don't spend next week chasing my tail. Hubby even managed to get the lawn mowed too.

While my mother is very capable of looking after my garden, I know she also has her own to tend to so I figure if I give it a good water in the morning, it will be fine until we get back. It's now getting to the point with watering where I have gone past the light watering every day with the new seedlings to the more deeper watering every two to three days. Once everything is fully established, it can take me 1- 1 1/2 hrs.  We have thought of putting watering systems in, but I actually enjoy it. That being said, as we have two hose connections, I am toying with the idea of putting in one my flower gardens and then turning that on while I water the veggies. 

Despite the lack of care from me today (well and yesterday), the garden is actually still coming along in leaps and bounds. All the rain over the past year has certainly agreed with our berries and our grapes. Combined with this lovely weather, our berries are already starting to ripen; our grapes are plentiful. And after no plums or passionfruit last year, we are on track. 

Everything was weeded, staked, and well feed last weekend so I am confident that the garden will cope on its own for a few days. And if I'm luck, my dahlias might even be open by the time I get back.


A Bit of a Breeze Needed