With one child sailing in Waitangi, and one sailing at Parua Bay today, it was another early start, and somewhat of a juggling act in order to ensure things were ready for the week ahead (it's one of those type of weeks). Before heading out to the cruising club by 9, I was able to get a couple of small jobs done, in the garden including spraying the weeds in the driveway and the paving stones in the BBQ area. I try to avoid spraying harmful chemicals if I can, but there are some things that can get out of hand if I don’t.
With an hour and a half up my sleeve, I also managed to tie up a few of my flowers, and dehead those that needed to. With the dahlias growing radiply, the surrounding flowers needed a bit of a tidy up. I also wrapped fishing nylon around my zuchetta growing frame (3 bamboo stakes tied together to form a teepee). This is a new variety of squash for me. I believe when young they can be used like a zucchini, or left for longer, and more like a butternut squash. As it is a climber, it is a perfect addition to our garden. I also managed to squeeze in half of the cleaning out for the remainder of the morning.
Once Zac was sorted with his boat, and the shared lunch prepped, I was able to utilize my time by attacking some paperwork. The intention once was that once I was home, and indoor chores were sorted, I could head out into the garden. Mostly, things went to plan until my mum turned up with my brother and my two year old nephew in tow. I got there in the end, but everything took a wee bit longer than anticipated. I managed to get in a couple of rows of carrots sowed, alongside a dozen lettuces planted. I still have more lettuces to go in, and need to put in the spring onions, and beetroot.
Pic - front garden. The garden wraps around to the right, where I have 3 more roses, and a camelia.
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