Well the caravan is cleaned, the cars are unloaded and everything is put away, the washing is on, and the lawns are mowed. We are back to reality after 16 nights away. We've had a great break with a 50th birthday and a wedding in amongst it all and lots of family visiting due to the lovely weather for the first 12 days (the last 4 were a bit drizzly). And thankfully, we haven't come home to a tree down like last year.
Despite a lot of mildew the garden is looking pretty good thanks to my mum. The humidity and resulting mildew (on the squashes and tomatoes), is not something new to us at this time of the year. The high humidity levels means we often battle it. Over the next day, I'll remove what I need to and spray with a Fungus spray.
My mum has kept things ticking over and has been watering and picking what she can and sharing with her neighbours, as well as popping things like the blueberries into the freezer, and popping the tomatoes on the bench...much to the delight of the boys who rushed in, selected their tomatoes, and put some toast on.
Through the last couple of weeks, we've also taken produce back to camp a few times to share with the Manager and our camping neighbours/friends.
Our plums are ready (although some have guava moth, which again is not unusual with the first ripening ones). We have lots of jalepenos ready, and I actually have about 30-40ish onions bulbing up. I've lost some, but I'll take what I can get. Our tomatoes would also be the stars of the garden atm. After last year, it's almost the complete opposite with so many trusses of fruit.
In between the washing, the next couple of days will involve a bit of pottering to get the garden sorted. It's mainly just the yellowing leaves and some deadheading (although my mum kindly sorted my dahlias so I came back to a nice front garden). But today, the only job I intend to do is get the ladder out, and get some plums down. The rest can wait.
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