Brown Bags and Seed Sowing

Gardener:Northland Backyard Gardener

Date:13 Sep 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables

Brown Bags:

If you are like me and order groceries online, you may have an abundance of brown paper bags. Mostly, these are sent to school for varying projects. Today I was though, I was trying to work out a cost effective/environmentally friendly way to plant seedlings with a large group of children tomorrow and I stumbled across a nifty idea which they are perfect for. I have seen the newspaper ones before, but not the origami type approach, which was perfect for the brown paper bags. They hold the shape well, and are folded in a way that gives reinforcing to the sides. One side of the bag is a perfect size. We've even reinforced the bottom by adding a layer of folder paper from the side of the bag so nothing goes to waste. These will be perfect for the sunflowers (Rocky Mountain) and Luffas that I have an abundance of. I will just need to encourage the students not to completely soak the paper pot. 

Seed Sowing:

This morning we were blessed with another sunny start. It's been a bit chilly, but we have sunshine all the same, and I'm not going to knock that. Hubby was up early this morning too, and we actually sat outside enjoying the sun together while I sowed a few more seeds. 

I'm actually ahead of the game now, and all I have left is a tray to put the 'Weird and Wonderfuls in', and the 'I wasn't going to sow them, I am' ones. Those are likely to be the luffa/gourds and dare I say, a couple more tomatoes.  I'll also prob sow a few punnets of flowers. 

Brown Bags and Seed Sowing