I’m still here

Gardener:The flower lady

Date:25 Nov 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

I have to admit that I have been so busy that just stringing words together by the ends of the day to make a remotely interesting blog has been tricky . 

But everything has been cranking along , toms are filling out and it won't be long till we're eating the sweet 100s 

I did our first pick of raspberries yesterday . Got the Kumera in after having amazing success last season Kumera is now something we will do every year . Pic from the harvest .
We had a very rainy windy day where I changed our lounge around to make my wee office space better , seems I'm back to needing it , only one booking so far but I'm determined to make it work . 

I just can not seem to germinate corn this season I do not know what the deal is , I have not rotted them they just are not doing anything. 

I finally decided to grow celery again after years ago failing miserably, but I think almost everything comes down to consistency in watering and feeding. 
speaking of feeding my knapsack sprayer has been getting a work out alternating between seaweed and all purpose feeds , it's such a massive area a knapsack a day is nearly needed . 

I have started more mother kūmara's for slips because the og is getting a bit tired .

Yesterday we made a start on moving the compost and leveling to add a wee nursery area to the flower field , hopefully today hubby will help turn some scrappy wood into some boxes I can line and pop potted plants in. 

And a nice easy frittata wax yesterdays lunch a good way to use excess brocolli and eggs .

I’m still here