Despite a bit of transplant shock on some plants with the constant weather temp changes (winter clothes today), we do have signficant new growth to celebrate as well.
My capsicums have adjusted really well under the netted cloche, as have my jalepenos in the polytunnel. The corn and sunflowers are at that stage where they start to take off. Give it another few weeks, and I will be watching much closer as I will need to remove the cloche.
A few things that have had to endure the wind in the ex tropical cyclone have a few leaves that are whitened lower down, which can be a sign of transplant shock. It's not something we've really had to deal with before. I am not too concerned, as we also have new growth. Once they have a few more leaves, we will remove those leaves. We often remove those lower leaves anyway on certain plants anyway. Even with hardening off; seaweed tonic; we were still had the perils of the weather.
My onions are holding on, which makes me think it has something to do with excess water. There is no further wet looking rot of leaves, so will just have to wait and see.
A few of my 'unsuccesssful' seeds are now starting to pop up (scallopini), which shows you, some things just need longer when the weather is still so variable.
But most impressively (in my books) were the tomato flowers forming on a few of the plants, transplanted at the weekend. Totally not expected after a late sowing, and an ever later transplanting out.
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