Nature Helping Out

Gardener:Northland Backyard Gardener

Date:03 Dec 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

With gentle rain here since getting home yesterday,  I've been able to just let nature do its thing. It always seems to do a much better job than I do with our town supply. 

Except for a gentle weeding (when it's not raining), there is minimal work to do. The roses also need deheading, and there is also a bit of tying up, but that's a 10  minute job before work type job that is manageable (just not when it's raining).

The walk around the garden when we got home didn't disappoint either. The squash garden is expanding in every possible direction, including upwards on the frames (an attempt to reduce powdery mildew when the humidity levels take hold here). A bowl of strawberries was collected. No photo though as it was a case of the disappearing strawberries.  About a dozen gherkins were picked (although one did get dropped in behind the garden where it couldn't be reached); and we have 4 cucumbers. One I knew was there. The others were a suprise. I also have picked the fattest asparagus I've ever seen. I've taken to picking them and then keeping them in a jar of water as it's keeping them much fresher.

And the first dahlia is out...just an orange  border one though in a pot.  

And finally, our first baby tomato has been spotted. 

Nature Helping Out