New Year Weekend Preserves!


Date:05 Jan 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables

After having the family over Christmas, New Year was a little more about pottering around, enjoying the extra special little bits of produce like the first of the corn, the first Gem squash an extra helping of green beans and such the likes.

On the preserves we made a batch of tomato relish, a few jars of bottled Jalapenos, and for the first time, home made mustard following the method from Elien's Homegrown Happiness website.

We have an overload of zucchini, and the tomatoes and peppers are starting to come faster and faster.

The later chillies are not happy with the rain, I have removed the bases from the pots so the drain a lot faster. The rocoto has dropped all the new flowers, but has retained the fruit. The wind is also getting a bit annoying.

I have removed a good few zucchini leaves showing signs of powdery mildew, so as soon as it dries up a bit, I will need to take a bit of action there.

I have had to net some tomato plants  due to birds. A few babies are running around as they have escaped their nests. Mum and Dad are looking after them. This seems to be an annula event in the garden. I will need to keep an eye on the tomatoes after all this rain.

Hope everyone is safe sound, warm and dry in this weather!

New Year Weekend Preserves!