It's a gloomy wet day here today but made for a lovely day in the garden tidying things up and getting the next lot of root crops in plus a few sneaky extras. The chooks got a huge feed from a garden I cleared out of celery, spinach, silverbeet etc all gone to seed. I added a wheel barrow of goat manure compost, dug it in and planted out a tomato and cucumber that had been waiting patiently in the glasshouse for their spots outside, along with beetroot, new celery and silverbeet, basil, curry plant and sowed the next succession of carrots.
In the potatoe bed I dug out the last of the new potatoes, loaded it up with compost and put in the next lot.
In the glass house I tried to tame my tomato plants that just seem to be taking over no matter how much I prune them, and clipped up my cucumber that's growing up along the roof now! I also spotted some sneaky white fly moving in so I dealt to them with a few sprays of Natures Way, hopefully that sorts them out. Will head back down with some yellow sticky traps this arvo. The kumara slips I planted yesterday seem to be holding strong, I expected a few casualties but they're all looking okay today. I still have some back up slips still attached to the mother plant growing in sand so I'll fill any gaps with those should I need to, and build another garden bed to house them if I don't 😅. Anyway, I have a date with the couch with a bowl of fresh strawberries! This cold is still kicking my butt and energy levels are not the usual. Happy Sunday everyone.
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