
Gardener:Somerset Sue

Date:08 Sep 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables

Having gardening friends and family that you can trade with is such a wonderful thing. It's reminiscent of days of old when neighbours swapped produce over the fence and relly's always turned up with a batch of scones or a tin of biscuits and would go home with a bag full of silverbeet or a beautiful head of broccoli.

I always end up with too many seedlings and love to pass them on to friends and family. In return I have had fresh eggs, baking, snapper, blue cod and even whitebait!!

Today was a classic example of swapsies between friends. Our friend Mark is a truck driver and has access to a seemingly bottomless pit of lime. He and SH are both passionate lawn men and love to lime their lawns. It's also great for our vege garden. When he's driving Mark loves a bottle of water with lemon juice added to keep him wide awake. He and his partner have just bought a new home with no lemon tree. We have a prolific lemon tree. 

Today he brought round two huge buckets of garden lime and we sent him home with two huge buckets of lemons..... Swapsies!!

