The Sunny North

Gardener:Old Mangakino Orchard (McCallum's Garden)

Date:27 Jul 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables

Well it is today but who knows what tomorrow will bring. 

I'm still getting used to the climate up here. Things grow differently to what I'm used to from our past lives in Auckland. This is our second year up here and I'm still finding my feet.

Our strawberry patch is in full bloom and we are getting winter strawberries. Not sure if this is normal or maybe the black plastic mound is helping. That being said, it appears we have nests of strawberry loving ants living in the mound who seem to get to the strawberries first. I've decided to prune them all back now and deal with the ants etc so we can get a good harvest next season. 

The greenhouse is my happy place at the moment. I'm trying tomatoes in there and they are growing well. I suspect the fruit might not ripen in the next month but my hope is that we will have an early crop in Spring when the others are getting started. 

I read that using the vibration from a electric toothbrush can help pollinate the flowers so I gave it a go today. Must admit I felt a bit weird doing it but if it works it will be worth it. 

Hope everyone is well. Can't wait for Spring to kick in.


The Sunny North