Yearly Potato Bucket growing comp


Date:16 Dec 2023

Blog Type:Vegetables

Today was our family Christmas with my Dads side of the family. We have an annual Potato bucket growing competition that we all start at the same time, with one seed potatoe each and harvest at Christmas. It's so much fun. This year there wernt as many spuds it seemed, but the winner (was not me 😢) with a haul of 650g of spuds, the opposite to the winner (was also not me 😁) with a whopping 170g. I weighed in at 550g and second place so not too shabby. I think next year I'll chit my seed potatoe instead of just sticking it in whole. 
I really love this tradition, I hope it carries on through many gernreations to come! 

Yearly Potato Bucket growing comp