Garden Overwhelm this early?


Date:22 Sep 2020

Blog Type:Mini Challenge - Meet your Neighbours, Vegetables

I started off this years blogging journey with a hiss and a roar, but then everything has seemed to come on at once, and I hit 'Garden Overwhelm' earlier than I ever have in the growing season!

I put down my tools, so now have seedlings that are crying out to be transplanted... but they will have to hold on a few more days until the weekend.

What I have loved though, even when I have felt like it's all too much, there is still the fruits of my previous efforts and I love being able to wander around (barefoot when the weather lets me!), and pick a bunch of fresh produce for dinner - It's even more satifsying when there are friends staying and they are encouraged to grow thier own too!

After a few weeks 'blip', I have come to an agreement that growing is tiring, but it's also life giving and I can only do what I can do... bring on this growing season, 2020 is certaily like none other!


I would also like to nominate JamesMcc - He's all over it and shares his blogs with such an enthusiasm for gardening and his family :) 

Garden Overwhelm this early?