It's a berry nice day

Gardener:Briars Patch

Date:20 Sep 2020

Blog Type:Vegetables

We were very unsuccerssful in our blueberry growing last year due to them being in pots and uncovered (and right under a swallows nest with cute little babies...) - so the birds enjoyed them.

The girls love blueberries and we do an annual pilgrimage (40 minutes) to Ngatea blueberry farm and get a years supply (10kg) so would be really great to have some of our own this year.

I have made this make shift berry house - until the dream of a proper one comes to life.  It has a removeable front side and roof to make working in their easier and easy access to get the fruit. 

They are blossoming up beautifully at the moment so it's looking a little promising.  There are 2 Powder Blue plants, 1 Blueberry Burst and a space as I would like to buy one from Ngatea when we go in February. 

I know there is lots of advice about removing the first strawberry flowers of the season but I really can't bring myself to do that! - perhaps thats why I'm getting such odd shaped fruit??

I also have strawberries on the patio and through the vege garden but trialling them under the blueberry enclosure.  Sadly, while they are protected from the birds 2 ripe ones have been eaten by ground bugs of some sort so I have put loads more pine needles around the base of them all. 

I try to freeze all the ugly berries and ones I need to cut bits and peices off to make smooties and iceblocks over the summer. 

It's a berry nice day