Met My Deadline!

Gardener:Mrs Muddy Toes

Date:22 Oct 2020

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

Well we did it! With my in-laws in tow we managed yesterday to empty the greenhouse (almost) and plant out all my large tomatoes, basil, sunflowers, capsicum, zucchini, and cucumbers.  My garden is pretty full now and I am very pleased that we met my deadline as this afternoon I’m off for hand surgery….no gardening for me for a little while


I’m including a photo of my four-legged support team who were overjoyed that the last of the broccoli was pulled out to make way for my new plantings.  They spent the time we laboured by sun bathing on the lawn and gorging themselves on the uprooted broccoli… little was left for the worm bin but I’m glad they had my back and kept the blackbirds away who were keen to undo our efforts!


Now I patiently await the rain the forecast keeps promising but is yet to show up as my stores of water have been severely depleted.


I look forward to passing the time over the next few weeks by reading your blogs and hearing about your green-fingered adventures!


Happy Growing!

Met My Deadline!