Sophie (Our Miss 4) and I often enjoy Fridays together while the big girls are at school. We had these old jiffy pots/pellets decided to trial them with the things that I like to direct sow to give them a little headstart ...
We put in:
Yates Sunflowers - Bronze shades
Yates Beans - Megapods
Yates Sweetcorn - Honeysweet
Yates Tomatoes - Patio mini
Yates Cucumbers - Burpless Hybrid - I obviously wasnt reading this when I bought it but the husband isn't a fan of cucmbers as they give him indigestion so I wonder if this will help.
I also sowed in punnets:
Yates Watermelon - Candyred
Yates Bok Choy
Sweet Basil
Delphinum - Pacific Giant
Snail Vine seeds - Kindly sent through a group on FB
Capsicum - Possible sweeties - I collected the seeds last season and the label is a few different varieties with question marks ...... classic end of season move!!
Shungiku (Chrysanthemum coronarium) - Which we got as a swap for some hops so very interested to see how they turn out. Is a great little article I have just read about them.
We are heading away to do some Social distancing socialing with our friends in the Waikato this afternoon for a long weekend and have got the Father in Law coming to spritz the seed babies daily. The visit was booked in weeks ago but now I'm really not sure about being away from them for so long!.....
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