My nomination for ‘Meet your neighbours’ mini challenge


Date:17 Sep 2020

Blog Type:Mini Challenge - Meet your Neighbours

I haven't done much gardening these last two days, as my youngest daughter is home from kindy sick, and the weather is horrid! 

So I thought I'd do this before I forgot. I found this super hard to pick just one person, as you are all fabulous gardeners and I have already learnt so much! 

Two people came to mind when I really had to narrow it down, but could only pick one. 
So my vote goes to Briars patch, I love how she gets her children involved in the garden and in the kitchen, and she has inspired me to try get my kids more involved, it is so important to me that they learn where their food comes from and the work that goes into it! She has a wealth of knowlege and just seems like a really lovely person! 

You are all amazing, and you have all inspired me with your ideas and knowlege! I am very excited to see how the rest of your gardening journey goes :)


My nomination for ‘Meet your neighbours’ mini challenge