Plant haul and catnip thief

Gardener:Lulu's Garden

Date:02 Oct 2020

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

Today I went into town to get all of my tomato, capsicum and chilli seedlings. 

I got four tomatoes (two money makers, a roma and a cherry tomato). I'm hoping my roma tomato does better then the one I had last year. I'm not sure why but the tomatoes it produced were very small, smaller then what I have had before for a roma tomato. 

It was interesting though at the nursery as a bird had nested amongst the tomato seedlings, the store had a sign to make sure people didn't harm the mum and her babies. I talked to one of the staff members, apparently now the chicks are bigger, the parents have started to dive at customer heads now. I was lucky that didn't happen to me though.

I got three chillies varieties and four capsium varieties, of which two are the mini capsicums so I can take them for lunches for work.

I also ended up getting some lettuce, flower, spring onion, and catnip seedlings. And some tomato mix for my tomato pots.

I have placed most of these seedlings under my vegepod so they can get a bit bigger until I plant them out in a coulle of weeks time. I have made sure that I have put snail bait around the plants as I hadn't with my basil beforehand and the snails got it so I will have to get some more tomorrow.

Jazz was very interested with the catnip and catmint I was potting up today and was able to grab some as I was taking a photo of it. Lets just say that I have hidden this pot until the plants get bigger, this was after Jazz growled and scratched me when I took it away from him.

I have the next three days off, which I plan to spend in the garden getting it ready. I love having these nice sunny days, I was able to wear shorts which I haven't done so since the beginning of the year :)

Plant haul and catnip thief