Sharing my passion


Date:04 Oct 2020

Blog Type:Mini Challenge - Pay it Forward, Vegetables

I have been busy this morning potting on some seedlings that needed bigger pots. I havent been able to do much in the garden lately, with a birthday party yesterday and the weather not playing the game.

I am starting my beautiful friends seeds off for her this year, as she doesn't have time to do them herself.

Last year with some guidance from me, and her own knowledge she grew a lot of her own vegetables, starting from seed herself and her kids loved helping her. She was so proud of herself and so was I!

Im so glad that even though she hasn't found the time to start her own seeds, she still wants to grow the vegetables herself and she trusts me enough to start them for her.

I love that my passion for gardening rubs off on others, and I have friends and family constantly asking me for advice. Sometimes I don't have all the answers, but I can point them in the right direction. 

Sharing my passion