I have made a Bioforce order for some benificial bugs to deal with the white fly and aphids before they become a complete problem . But untill then I fill up a bucket and soak each pot long enough to drown any nasties , They fall off and are left in the water , no nasty chemicles needed .
I spent a huge amount of time potting things on , before I transplant I always like to give a soak in season , or yates thrive whichever is closer , This cat litter tray fits my seed trays perfectly .
Transplanted were , enchinecea , celosia , shoofly , Bells of ireland ,lavender and some more esclepias .
I potted up some penstemon cuttings that I took at the beginning of autumn , They have a great root mass , sadly the Hydrangers and roses are still a wee way behind so I will have to wait a bit longer , but it will be worth the wait .
And I found 1 of the matics , I am still at a loss as to where my favourite one has gone , but at least I can get on with some of the tasks I had been putting off .
Flower news , sweet peas , lilly of the valley and solomons seal have begun .
In the flower field I just did a bit of hoing as you know with spring weeds are here with a vengence , It is my mission to keep on top of it .
I am currently not waiting on any seeds to come up at the moment so best I rectify that .
And while I was left to my thoughts I ended up making a wee plan for a friends garden , Its an unused space screaming for herbs and perenial flowers , so shes coming over tomorrow and we shall do a wee garden raid , shes going though a break up and is a beginner gardener to so I am looking forward to working on this with her . adding a lovely space you can't help but smile at :)
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