To busy in the garden

Gardener:The flower lady

Date:29 Nov 2020

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

The irony of having no time to blog lately because I have so much to blog about is so ridiculous .

I have been so busy becoming an actual bonified flower grower , even taking on my first staff member (only 5 hours ) but oh so helpful having a bit more time to plan whats coming on next .

I have latitude magazine doing a piece on us which is amazing but as you can imagine I am in a bit of a flap , the kids tv show that came round last season is nearly ready to release that piece so I look forward to seeing how that has gone .

Things in the new garden are growing well , despite my chickens messing with the mulch , I have become aware its not going to contain the shape I want without hard lanscaping so as long as the plants are growing I am forcing myself to be ok with it .

I finally got around to my raised beds and no dig garden of last season , havested the garlic , brassicas , a few carrots , and pulled out spent lettuce , chose a few to stay for seed and did a general weed .

In went Basil , cucumber , giant allium , shoo fly , tomato , spring onion and carrot , I was in the middle of taking all the spent greens to the chooks and pigs when the rain came over so I decided its time to blog :) .

I left some things so long as trapment plants , aphids and stink bug eggs are off to be chook food .

And lesson learnt so I shall share , take the nets of or up before things grow though them , what a pain to sort that out .

My shed is coming along awesome , It now has doors and 3 sides .

I am to at least post a pic a day with a short blog , wish me luck .

To busy in the garden