4 seasons in one day

Gardener:The flower lady

Date:18 Oct 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

After school drop off I shot home and made a start of tackling the very long grass in the flower field , I only did 4 passes before I realised it needed oil so I have put oil in and will get back to more tomorrow, 4 catches full of grass clippings to the compost . 

Then I got a tray of stralitzia a tray of rudembekia and some cornflowers potted on . 

My broccoli seedlings just we're not moving only just have their true leaves so I potted them on to . 

soaked the tomatoes in some seaweed feed .

noticed my pumpkin , courgettes and corn are finally germinating , thank goodness . 

plus the first wee apple seedling is poking though along with the basil . 

Strawberries are forming beautifully, the raspberries have become triffids . 

Peas are growing well I have 2 lots planted around 3 weeks apart , I am determined to get better at consession planting , cucumbers and gherkins are looking great and the toms I planted early are recovering after being eaten I can only hope there's loads of roots below . 

And finally Blueberries have had a fantastic flowering so I'm really looking forward to homegrown blueberries. 

4 seasons in one day