Welcome to the Yates Growing Community

This community page is a place for gardeners to come together to share their problems and find solutions, celebrate their successes with gardeners who understand, and be inspired by each other to grow great gardens. 

The growing community is for all gardeners of all levels of experience, from those just starting out to those with years of experience, and with all garden sizes from a salad in a pot to a sprawling lifestyle block and everything in between.  

The recent Vegie Growing Challenge 2022 has come to an end, and we had a fabulous group of gardeners sharing all their gardening ups and downs.  You can check out all their posts below.

The growing community is now open to post any garden updates from a photo of a beautiful flower you just had to share, an in-depth blog post of a garden project you created or a place to put regular garden updates to avoid overwhelming your friends on social media.  Or just browse and make friendly and encouraging comments on the posts already here. 

From time to time there will be more competitions, Check the ‘What’s going on’ box to keep an eye out for the next one. 

To join the Yates Growing Community just click HERE, and then the "Join / Sign in" green button and you will be able to begin sharing straight away.

Vegie Growing Challenge

The Yates Vegie Growing Challenge is a fantastic virtual community of keen gardeners of all skill levels supporting each other through the ups and downs of growing vegetables in a typical New Zealand spring with the opportunity to win great prizes. The 2022 Challenge has come to an end and once again there was a fabulous community of gardeners contributing to another successful season. Keep an eye out in early spring 2023 to find out how to be a part of the 14th annual challenge that has gardeners from all over the country come back year after year.

What’s Going On

The 13th Spring Vegie Growing Challenge has now finished and we congratulate our amazing prize winners. The details can be found on the Previous Winners tab or in the Sarah the Gardener blog post with the title: 'Can I get a drum roll please….' And in the meantime the community is open to post any update from any gardener and we love to see what is happening in your gardens.

Sarah the Gardener from Yates

Sarah the Gardener from Yates will be here often in the community, to check in, offer encouragement and advice where needed and make sure the community is the friendly and supportive place we have come to enjoy. Click above to see her current blog. If you have any questions, please comment below her latest post.