Alyssum is a common filler in my garden, both in th veg garden and in the pots. With the sunflower garden, it is one of the three types in the garden. I have white from the plant barn, aswell as cream, but yellow and white with sunflowers is this year's theme, so Alyssum, basket of gold has caught my eye. Carpet of snow has grown well for me in the past from seed, so time to give it a try. I am successful with all the veg I try, and marigolds and sunflowers were all from seed. So hopefully this won't repeat the Petunia episode, white and yellow were planned but could only find Yates mirage yellow, no white. The first try didn't work so tried another pack with a later expiry date, and repeated the now show of petunia. Did find seedlings though after that😂, so we have white and yellow petunia in. Now just yellow alyssum to grow 😊
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