First Main Crops In

Gardener:Northland Backyard Gardener

Date:24 Oct 2022

Blog Type:Vegetables

After having a break from the garden yesterday, today was a much  busier day than Saturday. Before Connor could officially get into his garden, we had to strip the remainder of my crops out of his garden. I now have 3 bags of broad beans to take care of tomorrow, a dozen or so beetroot ready to preserve (that might be Wednesday's job), and lots of carrots and lettuce for dinner. 

As others have mentioned, in the North, it does pay to be careful in regards to when you plant, what time of the day you plant, and how hot or windy it is. The surface of the soil can dry very quickly making it difficult for new seedlings to establish themselves.  With this in mind, after digging in some compost, the garden was watered twice before the corn and sunflowers were transplanted as we found that bed quite dry when we dug it over. We waited until around 3:30. By this stage, it was still warm, but did not have the intensity of earlier. There was also enough warmth to ensure that they didn't go to bed with wet leaves. Once planted out, they were then watered in with some Yates Natural Fish and Seaweed, and snail pellets applied. We will have to keep checking the soil both morning and night until the root stuctures are more established. As Connor is off on camp this week, this task has been intrusted to his mother.

Connor also added some spring onions, lettuce, and calendula into two other beds, and added his cucumbers to two frames and put his zucchini in. He now has 4 of his 5 gardens almost planted out. He still needs to mulch the corn area to help retain the moisture, and there are still a few gaps where the beetroot and some more lettuce will go in the smaller gardens. The remaining bed will house his tomatoes and capsicums when they are a bit bigger. These can be done over the next few weeks when camp is done and dusted. 

First Main Crops In